Management Policy

CTA-Continental Tobaccos Alliance S.A. is committed to ethical and responsible management, focused on the integrity and sustainability of its value chain, through the following principles:

Respect and Promote Human Rights

Conduct a management model that guarantees Human Rights are respected and fully supported, through strategies and actions based on Company Policy, both internally and externally;

Value People

Continuously track employee performance, their development and training needs as well as career and succession expectations, providing personal / professional growth opportunities and workplace satisfaction;

Promote Health and Safety

Apply best practices and standards to the health and safety of employees, third parties on company premises, or any other stakeholder in the company's value chain and, via programs, strive to prevent occupational injuries and diseases;

Promote Integrity and Sustainability

Apply the concept of integrity on all Company strategies and operations, following ESG Principles, which promote long-term corporate sustainability and balance of the environmental, social and governance pillars, through corporate programs and practices that meet business needs and society's expectations;

Value Relationships with Customers and Partners

Meet customers' and partners' needs and exceed their expectations, in order to ensure the highest product quality standards, in an integral and sustainable manner, in line with the company’s Human Rights policy, working jointly and continuously with customers, partners and all concerned parties;

Stimulate Continuous Improvement

Continuously evolve the company’s form of management and corporate governance, as well as procedures, practices and programs arising therefrom, to ensure that all principles mentioned in this Management Policy are applied.

Venâncio Aires, 10 November 2021.

Eduardo Renner
CEO, CTA-Continental Tobaccos Alliance S/A